Hello~ I've been tagged by Ness from romansentreamis to do the 15 Bookish Facts About Me Tag! Hoo-hooo! Let's get started:

- I'm very picky when it comes to choosing my next read. Sometimes too picky to the point that I lose all enthusiasm for the book I chose.
- I prefer watching the movie adaptation before reading the book and it's very awkward for me to do it vice-versa.
- I get bored quickly while reading that's why it takes me more time than the average reader to finish books.
- I suffer from reading slumps a lot.
- For me, it's a great accomplishment to read 100 pages per day. That's because I can't concentrate on the same thing for long periods of time. No exceptions.
- Even if I don't like a book I'm currently reading, I don't give up on it. There's always a chance for it to get interesting at the very last chapter.
- I really enjoy reading at Metro stations and I love it when random people ask me about what I'm reading and have book-related discussions with me.
- I don't mind reading e-books.
- I try to stay away from beverages and food while reading. No one likes their books smudged.
- 90% of my books are second-hand. The other 10% are either gifts or books I borrowed and I don't intend on giving back.
- I shamelessly confess that I do judge a book by its cover and title.
- There was this bookworm guy who once hit on me in a thrift market while buying books and I was such a mess that I told him about a hidden Mockingjay copy I wanted to go back to and buy. Long story short, he bought it instead for himself and left without even telling me his name. I call him Cinderello.
- I have this fear that one day, I will share the same cause of death as Al Jahiz.
- After I buy books, I like to keep them on my nightstand for a whole week just to memorize the newly added titles to my library. If I don't do so, I know for sure that I'll forget I bought them in the first place.
- I have one book lending policy that I take very seriously: "If you break the spine of my book, I'll break yours. And by yours, I mean YOURS."

That's it~ I tag everyone who hasn't been tagged yet to do it! Ciao~

Oh that last one was intense! Now with all the therapy I'm getting, I'll also consider not ever borrowing your books!
ReplyDeleteCinderello is a jerk , he should've paid it for YOU like, where are gentlemen in this world!!
Seriously tho.. I turn into a creepy monster if someone does anything to my books xD As for Cinderello, yeah he's a jerk but at least we shared the same passion~ (tbh he's cute)