Prepare your torches and sticks, I'm doing the Unpopular Opinions book tag! (created by TheBookArcher). Some of my answers may cause a little drama therefore I seek your understanding and
A Popular Book or series that you didn't like:
Tales from The Kingdoms trilogy by Sarah Pinborough. Okay, I admit it. The first book wasn't good but the other two were absolutely amazing! My favorite fairytale retellings of all time. Give it a chance! It's worth it.
A Love Triangle where the main character ended up with the person you did NOT want them to end up with OR an OTP that you don't like:
Ignifex and Nyx from Cruel Beauty by Rosamunde Hodge. I love them, just separately. Their relationship felt quite forced and predictable.
A popular book Genre that you hardly reach for:
I did mention before that I don't mind reading all genres but I must admit, non-fiction is the one I hardly reach for. However, one of my most anticipated releases this year is a non-fiction book. Okay, mostly because it's written by Neil Gaiman but you get my point.
Basically everyone from The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare (Great plot, terrible characters). Pretty much everyone from the Harry Potter books (I'm dead meat, I know it). Cath from Fangirl. Tris from Divergent. And the list goes on.
Jenny Hann, her writing style is not my cup of tea. I read To All The Boys I've Loved Before and Burn For Burn and she disappointed me with both. Plot-wise, character-wise and writing-wise.
A popular book trope that you're tired of seeing:
Authors shoving their religious views right up my arse. Seriously, am I the only one who notices that? I don't care if you're an atheist or an extremist, just don't mention religion especially when it should not be mentioned. I read books to escape from reality and the political and religious debates so when I find this trope in books (and trust me, in 95% of the books I've read, authors squeeze it somehow), I get frustrated.
Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James. Need I explain this?
The saying goes "The book is always better than the movie", but what movie or T.V. show adaptation do you prefer more than the book?
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. The book dragged on forever (Don't get me wrong, it's a good book but I swear, the author spent three chapters describing a room). The movie was extremely fast-paced and fun and HEARTBREAKING. The chemistry between the two main characters is incredible. Anton Yelchin and Addison Timlin did a terrific job. It's not just my favorite book-to-movie adaptation but also one of my all time favorite movies. The ending still gets me. Seriously, you don't need to read the book, just watch it. It's great! (also, prepare yourself for loads of feels).
Pfew, that's it! I tag everyone who wants to do it~ Now excuse me, I'm going to hide in a corner and pretend that I don't exist because I'm sure a certain someone will be after me.
Pfew, that's it! I tag everyone who wants to do it~ Now excuse me, I'm going to hide in a corner and pretend that I don't exist because I'm sure a certain someone will be after me.
How do you even function? LIKE ???????? W H A T .
ReplyDeleteNo even Mortal Instruments.. o_o dude!
Told u things might get ugly! xD I'm a terrible person, i know it~ :3 Better terrible truths than kind lies.